Labiaplasty – Soyepaesthetics
Soyep Estetik

What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a surgical operation for reducing the labia minora and labia majora lips for various reasons. It is a very popular genital aesthetic procedure preferred by many women in recent years.

Why is Labiaplasty Done?

The size of the labia minora and labia majora in women may differ. In some women, labia minora at the inside of the vagina become too large due to hypertrophy (the growth of tissue due to overgrowth of cells). In addition, enlargement of the inner lips can be seen due to multiple births, normal birth, hormonal changes due to menopause, rapid weight gain and loss and other reasons.

These growths and sagging in the inner lips are evident when wearing swimsuits, bikinis or clothes and do not create an aesthetically pleasing image. Also it creates a lack of self-confidence in women.

The size of the inner labia also causes vaginal and urinary infections. It also causes irritation and restriction of movements while cycling and doing physical activity.

It also causes painful sexual intercourse called dyspareunia in women. This situation leads to psychological problems such as sexual reluctance.

Labiaplasty provides the elimination of all these physical problems and increases the self-confidence of women.


Who Are Labiaplasty Patitent Candidates?

  • Women with genetically too large inner lips (labia minora)
  • Women with enlarged inner lips after normal delivery or multiple births
  • Women whose inner lips have grown excessively due to hormonal changes in menopause
  • Women who experience sagging of the inner lips due to rapid weight gain and loss
  • Women with asymmetry in the inner lips of the vagina

All women who have an aesthetic appearance disorder, infection, irritation, restriction of movements and painful sexual intercourse due to the size of the labia minora of the vagina can have labiaplasty surgery.


Pre-Operational Inspection

Patient candidates considering labiaplasty should first seek the opinion of a specialist plastic surgeon. As Soyep, we observe the following issues regarding the patient during the examination:

  • The realism of the patient’s expectations about the operation
  • The patient’s mental health
  • The patient’s medical history and diseases, if an
  • If the patient has allergies
  • Medicines used by the patient
  • The patient’s use of cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs, if any
  • The patient candidate should quit smoking, alcohol and blood thinners such as aspirin before the operation.

Information About Aesthetic Operation

In labiaplasty surgery, local or general anesthesia is applied to the patient. There are many methods applied for labiaplasty. These methods vary according to the patient’s expectations and physical structure. With the anesthesia applied according to the chosen method, the excess tissues in the vaginal lips of the patient are removed and these tissues are repaired.

After Aesthetic Operation

After the operation, the patient is observed for several hours and is discharged on the same day. Pain and redness may occur for a while. It is recommended to take painkillers. It is recommended that the patient rest for 2-3 days.

The patient cannot have sexual intercourse and exercise before 4-6 weeks.

Operation Process Overview

Operation time Approximately 1 hor
Length of Stay in Hospital No hospitalization
Type of Anesthesia Local or General
Recovery Time 7 day
Hospital Acıbadem International Hospital
Result Time 6 weeks
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